Dental hygiene

Vital to your oral health is good dental hygiene.  And although there are many things you can do at home to achieve this, a regular appointment with our dental hygienist will keep your mouth in tip top condition, and give you a sparkling clean smile.

Guided Biofilm Therapy - A revolution for our patients


HENRY “Watch this traditional versus Airflow demonstration to understand why Guided Biofilm Therapy has been such a game changer

Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) has allowed our dental hygienists to transform the patient experience by exchanging old-school methods for a revolutionary system that offers optimal hygiene care. Our hygienists use a combination of Airflow, Perioflow and Piezon technology. 

Because GBT is so minimally invasive and gentle, it is suitable for the majority of people with gum disease, braces, crowns, bridges, veneers and implants.  GBT can also be used on natural teeth, restorations, orthodontic braces, implants, the tongue and gums. GBT will also help those who want to remove any stains and should be done before receiving tooth whitening to achieve better results.

Read more about GBT on our - Guided Biofilm Therapy page

Benjamin Tighe was
proudly awarded:
Guided Biofilm Therapy®  
"Centre of excellence"
for Clinic 95

What happens during an appointment?

Well, when was the last time that you were shown the right way to brush your teeth?  Probably a while ago, right?  Perhaps as long ago as when you were in junior school?  Or maybe you’ve never been shown how to brush your teeth by a dental professional?  

An appointment with one of our hygienists is the perfect chance to tune up your morning and evening brushing routines.

One of our hygienists will start by talking to you about your current teeth cleaning and oral care routine, and will suggest ways in which you can make your regime more effective.  This will include things like how to make sure you brush all the surfaces of every tooth, and inter-dental cleaning (which can sometimes be overlooked).  As Ben says “My job is primarily to educate, so I go over brushing, interdental cleaning, and how to keep the mouth clean and healthy.  I think that if you’re doing that well, you should have very few problems.  Prevention is better than cure.


HENRY “I saw a lady who had been going to the same hygienist for 20 years and always felt too embarrassed to ask how to brush her teeth properly. She finally came to me and I showed her what to do, and talked her through all the things she needed to know, like how to use her toothbrush properly. She just thought that she ‘should’ know, so she’d never asked. We’ll never judge, we’ll just help.

Dental products advice

It's an important part of the role of our hygienists to keep up to date with all the latest products, so they'll also talk to you about which might be best for you to try out at home. And they will also demonstrate good techniques for using the products effectively so that you can easily continue with the best of care at home.

BEN “Mouthwashes grate on me.  A lot of people use mouthwashes straight after they brush, so they’re just rinsing all the fluoride from the toothpaste down the sink. And they’re replacing it with something that doesn’t have very much fluoride in it at all.  So just brush well, with a good toothpaste.

The dental hygiene examination


Our hygienists work alongside the dentists, who are responsible for checking your teeth.  But should you wish to attend for a hygiene examination only, the hygienist will check your teeth and gums and, if necessary, will refer you to a dentist for teeth problems or to our dentist with a special interest in periodontics Sara Vargova for gum issues.

Our dental hygienists are all fully qualified dental therapists, and so can also provide services such as fillings, take impressions and perform cosmetic whitening treatments in addition to the full range of hygiene procedures.

Read more about the GBT process for your appointment on our - Guided Biofilm Therapy page

The final part of your appointment will be a chance to talk about how often you should be having hygiene examinations.  The hygienist will be able to advise you on this based on your own circumstances and requirements.

Appointment costs


Get discounts with our Dental Plan options

If you'd like a discount for every hygiene visit and would like to spread the cost of your dental appointments overall, then take a look at our dental plan options. It's easy to sign up - check out the details here.

All of our prices are on our treatment costs page.


HENRY “I like people to feel comfortable in my surgery - I don’t ever want you to feel self-conscious.  There are solutions to just about everything, so don’t ever feel embarrassed to discuss any aspect of your teeth. If you hide your smile or feel like the colour of your teeth is a problem, just tell me.  That’s what I’m here for. I’ll help you find a solution to whatever it is that bothers you about your teeth.”


Inter-dental cleaning: The cleaning of areas between teeth and restorations with special brushes to help prevent a build up of bacteria and plaque that a tooth brush is unable to reach.

Plaque: A sticky, colourless film of bacteria that constantly forms on our teeth and along the gum line. Plaque contains bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Airflow ®: Dental tool using a combination of water, compressed air and fine powder particles.